what am I thinking?!??!

my preparations and thoughts as I prepare to compete at Primal Quest '06

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

in the midst of packing

The problem with having more time is that I'll use all of it. I don't have to be packed until Saturday, and so I won't be. Instead, I'll have piles around until then. Maybe it's better to have to ship your stuff a bit earlier so you can stop thinking about packing.

On Sunday I spent a few hours (and a few CSI episodes) packing food into individually labelled ziplocs. Each bag is marked with the number of calories inside. Everyone who snacks should have to do this. It's a very eye opening exercise.

I went through about 120 ziplocs.


  • At 7:41 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so do you do math on the ziplocks when your teammates get tired of their food and start on yours ;D


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